TBI cases increased dramatically during the war

TBI cases increased dramatically during the war

Hmmm……amazing that this was known. Our soilders need help with recovering from TBI and only a “few” are recieving the help they need. Why does it take a battle to fight through all the beuracratic red tape? Don’t our soilders deserve the best for giving their best?

Nick is at EISENHOWER CENTER in Ann Arbor

Nick is at EISENHOWER CENTER in Ann Arbor

Nick is at the Eisenhower Center in Ann Arbor and is loving it! Of course he should be as he is in active therapy from speech, to occupational therapy (brushing teeth, bathing, feeding himself) and Physical therapy (bowling, art, etc…) Nick is being stimulated and his mind is being stimulated into doing things and remember, connecting those neurons to do more! YEAH!!!! This is HUGE and we are so glad the VA took a chance on him and will pay for 3 months of therapy! Nick needs to improve to the point that he no longer needs one on one so that the cost will decrease and hopefully the VA can see that he is worth the effort, money, and time! The Eisenhower Center has stated that Nick needs at the very least 6 months of therapy in order for this too work and ideally 1 year for complete therapy! Now the “fight” is to get this paid for! Nick deserves the year due to all the miss diagnoses, labeling, false information that has been handed to him and to his family! He has been labeled as “faking” his symptoms to “graduating from the “6” week program” for PTSD, to having “alzheimers”. Doctors have even told us to “grieve” because we need to “accept” that Nick is dying! WHAT……You go grieve, we will FIGHT for Nick to have his life! So the battle was won but Nick’s war continues! Onward and upward!

We are getting closer!

We are getting closer!

Recently received word that the Eisenhower Center thinks Nick is a good fit for their program! YEAH!!!! But…….now we have to convince the VA that Nick is worth the cost, worth the fight! Nick deserves a chance at a better life. A life that was taken from him and then misdiagnosed for years. This is Nick’s chance. Give it to him!

Nick’s daughter’s graduation cap

Nick is a wounded war veteran who served this great country of ours. He retired as a reservist from the USMC and as his family has found, the reservist struggle with getting adequate care. Nick and all those who suffer deserves the best care this country can offer. They honored their country, now it is time our country honors them.

Fight 4 Nick

Nick's daughter's graduation cap

Suzy wore this cap during her graduation ceremony in honor of her Dad who she has said he went to Iraq to war and never returned. We honor that love she has for her Dad, that is why we fight so hard for Nick.
“We are fighters till the end” (Nick’s own words)

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Nick’s daughter’s graduation cap

Nick's daughter's graduation cap

Suzy wore this cap during her graduation ceremony in honor of her Dad who she has said he went to Iraq to war and never returned. We honor that love she has for her Dad, that is why we fight so hard for Nick.
“We are fighters till the end” (Nick’s own words)

Treatment Needed For Invisible Wounds

Treatment Needed For Invisible Wounds

Many of our soldiers are coming back with wounds that cannot be seen, yet are just as real as a missing limb. They cannot and should not be ignored. These men and women deserve the best care possible, no matter the wound.

Nick today in The VA “system”

Nick has yet to recieve any treatment for his TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and is running out of time. Nick needs help NOW if the damage is to be halted and some function returned. Nick’s decline is on a daily/weekly basis and it was only a little over 4 years ago that Nick was helping to run my parents’ company. As you see, Nick can no longer brush his teeth, bathe, dress, or even use the bathroom as he is incontinent. We urgently ask for the word to get out there to find Nick support and help that he rightly deserves as a United States Marine Veteran.